Monday, August 8, 2011

Adieu Masterchef!

Well another season of Masterchef has come and gone.  This year I wasn't too fussed about who won.  I liked both finalists.  This season sort of lost me for some reason though.  Maybe I just didn't take to the contestants as much as in previous years, but I found myself skipping episodes and catching up at the end of the week.  I love my Masterclasses, although doubt I will ever attempt any of the recipes. 

Course there was that time my Mum and brother tried the croquembouche and presented it to me as my birthday cake last year.  Great idea in theory, but maybe not so great bringing it to me in front of a raging fire in the middle of winter.  I watched  those poor profiteroles rolling off the frame onto the carpet for what seemed like hours...still tasted great though and the cat enjoyed licking the cream and custard off the carpet.  A good time had by all I'd say!