Monday, August 8, 2011

Adieu Masterchef!

Well another season of Masterchef has come and gone.  This year I wasn't too fussed about who won.  I liked both finalists.  This season sort of lost me for some reason though.  Maybe I just didn't take to the contestants as much as in previous years, but I found myself skipping episodes and catching up at the end of the week.  I love my Masterclasses, although doubt I will ever attempt any of the recipes. 

Course there was that time my Mum and brother tried the croquembouche and presented it to me as my birthday cake last year.  Great idea in theory, but maybe not so great bringing it to me in front of a raging fire in the middle of winter.  I watched  those poor profiteroles rolling off the frame onto the carpet for what seemed like hours...still tasted great though and the cat enjoyed licking the cream and custard off the carpet.  A good time had by all I'd say!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Very Happy Camper

Having suffered the loss of my dear Hot Booties a week or so ago I am very happy to announce that after an email to the company and a lovely return phone call a mere hour later with a sales lady,  I am now sitting here writing this with footsies warm and cuddly inside my newly replaced pair of microwaveable slippers. 

Gratefully they have arrived in time for the upcoming cold week of temperatures reaching around 12-14 degrees max!

Big thumbs up to

They have a range of great microwaveable items designed to keep you warm and toasty this winter.  I for one am thrilled with my purchase and extremely satisfied with the customer service and more importantly I once again have happy feet. 

An added bonus is that the company didn't want me to return the pair I had and my mother says she can sew up the hole so now I have Hot Booties for my cold hands as well!  Waste not want not I say!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Something Odd Comes This Way

SPOILER ALERT – Stop reading now if you’re squeamish about discussing womens’ sanitary products or suffer from acute sensitivity to words such as pads, tampons, panty liners, menstruation, cramps, bleeding, monthly curse, surfing the red tide or anything whatsoever to do with normal functions of the human, female body.

If so please click here to return to previous blog.

I’ve always been intrigued by who decided to come up with the idea of putting “Odd Spots” on the sticky strips on women’s sanitary napkins?  Libra!  (Not that I’m naming names)

I mean sure these little tidbits are interesting, some amusing, but 1) who came up with odd spots in the first place and  2) who decided to print them on these strips and wouldn’t I have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that pitch meeting.

For those of you who don’t know what I mean by Odd Spots…

·                    Gynophobia is the fear of women
·                    Androphobia is the fear of men
·                    The average bed is home to over 6 billion dust mites
·                    The sound a camel makes is called nuzzling
·                    The average lifespan of a taste bus is 7-10 days
·                    The average speed of an avalance is 35K an hour
·                    One brow wrinkle is the result of 200,000 frowns

Just to name a few…

I personally love this stuff but really, on a sticky strip from a pad? 

Where did they think we would use this information?  Perhaps as a conversation starter?  Perfect.  ‘Cus of course I keep a wad of these rolled up in my purse for just this very occasion. 

Did you know a snail can sleep for three years?
Where did I get that information from…?? 
My Ipad?
Ummm Ooookay.

The other use of course is when I am on Who Wants to Be a Millionare and Eddy McGuire asks me;

The sound a camel makes is
A) Splooging  B) Snarking  C) Waffling  D)  Nuzzling


Lock in “D” Eddie!

$250, 000 later I will forever be in the debt of those wunderkind advertising geniuses and thanking God everyday that I was born a female with debilitating cramps, nausea, mood  swings, bloatedness and unbearable headaches yet was lucky to have discovered Libra Goodnights with wings when I did.

I’m not saying this is a bad thing,  just something I’ve always wondered about like; why is it if you drive a car or motorbike you need to have a license, but not if you ride a bicycle…and what really is the difference between Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Pepsi Max? 

If I’m lucky, the answers to these questions may be just a month away….

Saturday, May 14, 2011

To Blog Or Not To Blog

So now I’ve started this blog, I am trying not to feel too pressured about what to blog about.  I want to try and do something regularly, get into a routine because I am the worst at not following through.  Take my diaries for example.  I have many, many diaries around the place and have written pages and pages, just not every day and sometimes not even the same year…
My diary entries usually look like this

January 1st  - 12.01am 2008 – Happy New Year!  This year is gonna be great.  I’m gonna lose weight and stop smoking.  This year I’m really going to stick with this journal thing.  Oprah says keeping a journal is life changing and I’m so going to do it this year.  I am determined to stick with it and maybe I will learn something about myself that will make me a better person.  Maybe I should start a Gratitude journal also.  This will be great.  I can’t wait to see my personal development as the months go by…..
January 2nd  - 2008  - Dear Diary.  Here I am again, just like I said I would be.  I already feel like I’m on a path to something great.  I love Oprah!  She is so wise.  This journaling  is amazing.  I feel this year is the year everything great is going to happen.  I’m trying to get a routine going, so far so good.  If I can do this journal thing I can do anything….
January 3rd  - 9.45pm 2008  - Dear Diary.  And they said it wouldn’t last!  Today was a good day, went shopping got some cool stuff.  Had a fight with Hubbie.  Feeling a bit depressed.  Was watching What Not To Wear and my clothes could be affecting my moods…
February 16th  - 2.20am 2009 – Gosh – can’t believe it’s been so long since my last entry.  Really wanted to write but just lost track of time.  Since last entry have made up with hubbie and all is good again.  Am thinking of painting a feature wall in my front lounge room – I’m thinking aqua?  Oprah’s designer Nate Berkus said that if you like a color enough to do a feature wall you should just paint the whole room…not sure will let you know what I decide.  Oh Trinny and Susannah say that wearing black with color is a big no no -perhaps this is why I am so emotional lately and Spanks are a must.
October 29th  - 11.05am 2009 – Wow what can I say.  It’s been a while.  I know I haven’t been writing everyday but as long as I’m doing something here it should count?  Lots of things happening since last entry.  Cat died, got a new cat.  Left job, got a new job all is really happening – I’m very positive about life.  Decided on just the one wall.  Disagree with Nate on that one.  I love my wall.  Oh and re the Spanks...have decided that my tummy can hang out.   I really like being able to breath...
March 13th  - 3.05am 2010 – Dear Diary.  Read a book and went to bed,  more tomorrow….
April 24th - 5.45pm 2011  - Dear Diary, I have decided to start a blog…
And that’s pretty much my routine.  I guess at least I’m consistently inconsistent.
 My attempts at writing regularly here in my blog world have yet again fallen prey to this same terrible habit.  How long since I last blogged – over a week! 
I can only blame it on the return of Masterchef Australia,  The Biggest Loser US and the nail biting lead up to the finale of American Idol which have all served  as major distractions this week.  However…since I will no doubt be blogging about these at some point I feel I am justified in calling them research and therefore I am still working on my blog and thus perhaps have actually avoided falling into my pattern.  There is hope for me yet!
Perhaps I’ll even have another go at a diary entry                                                                                                                                                         
May 15 – 2.58am 2011 – Dear Diary…I’m baaaaack!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Google on the Purple Train

Special Purple Chickie mention must go to Google for their lovely in lilac, Mother's Day Logo I discovered today.

Bravo Googleland and Happy Mother's Day to all.

If The Karma Fits

A few days ago I was in love with my hot boots.  Today I feel like I’ve lost a friend.  One of my boots had an accident.  I don’t know what happened.  One minute I was microwaving them, then I went to put the left one on only to find I was leaking lavender.  The smell was nice, but the mess was not.  Not exactly sure how it happened, although when I tracked down the source of the leak I found a twig sticking out from inside the slipper!  I guess they had put a lavender branch in the boot and it had found its way out.  Bonus!

I am of course going to call the company and hopefully either get a replacement boot or a refund.  I prefer the former only because I really love them and my floorboards make my feet feel like little icicles.  Course I could wear socks but..not the point.

So I am temporarily in mourning for my booties.  I’m not blaming anyone, these things happen I guess.  I’m not putting anything negative out into the Universe because 1) It’s a waste of good energy and 2) it will no doubt come back to bite me in the ass years down the track. 

I’m a big believer in Karma.

Hopefully my next post re the Bootie will be good news and I will be blogging with my feet firmly tucked inside their purple fluffy goodness.

Bootie Update!

Since taking a photo of said hole in bootie on closer inspection I have discovered the protrusion not to be a twig but a hairclip which I don’t wear so somewhere along the line my bootie has picked up a little accessory.

So the result is the same – leaky lavender and out of action boot.

What freaks me out however is that I microwaved this with a metal hairclip stuck inside it, and if I recall correctly I microwaved it twice cus I kept forgetting to take them out of the microwave after the first 90 seconds.  I can’t believe my microwave didn’t explode.

Must be Karma!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

If The Bootie Fits

My new discovery for the week are Hot Boots.  Microwaveable  fluffy boot slippers that smell of lavender and linseed oil and are super comfy and at this very moment are keeping my feet lovely and warm. 

Just 90 seconds in the microwave and voila! 

I'm sure they've been around for ages but I just got mine today and love them. 
Nothing like a nice cup of hot coffee with a nip of Baileys and cute fluffy purple microwaveable booties to fight off the low evening temperatures.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Here Comes the Bride

Well I wasn't going to do it.  I wasn't going to watch the Royal Wedding.  Then I watched that damn Kate and WIlliam made for TV movie and I was hooked.  So hooked I had to set my IQ and tape it.  So hooked I then had to txt my best friend  who was watching it and comment on the bride and the dress and the Queen and how perfect it was and how Kate was so poised and elegant and William so handsome in his uniform. 

And what a spunk Harry is.

Ok that sounded weird.  I'm 43 and spunk isn't exactly the word that seems to fall easily from the lips of my demographic.  Still, my mother always tells me you're as young as you feel and sometimes that little 16 year old me shows up at the most unexpected times.

Speaking of my age, nothing made me feel it more than watching the wedding of a man who I remember seeing as a newborn decades ago.   Very surreal moment..  If ever there was proof that time marches on that was it for me. 

Still ah-ha moments aside I have to say I enjoyed the wedding more than I thought I would getting embarrassingly over emotional about it all.  I could barely see the letters on my iPhone to txt my friend through the weeping and my anticipation about the traditional kiss on the balcony was on par with waiting to see if my favourite American Idol of all time was going to be eliminated.  Stressful stuff! 

Oh, a last sidenote.  How many crazy hats did Lady Ga Ga loan out to the guests?


She can wear them but not every lady is born that way. 

A few inches lower....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Gwyneth Effect

I have a confession to make.  I’m not proud of it.  I know it’s totally irrational and comes from a place of total jealousy and envy.
I hate Gwyneth Paltrow.  There I’ve said it and now I can’t take it back.  Ok, maybe I don’t hate her.  But to use a friend’s expression, I have definitely taken a “set” against her. 
The sad thing is it’s not her fault.  I don’t know her personally, haven’t met her have no clue what she is really like.  But still my feelings are what they are.  Sure – it might have something to do with the fact that she is beautiful, willowy and blonde can act her pants off, is a style and fashion icon and now with a new recipe book out can apparently cook like a Champ as well.  Is it any wonder I set her.
I would have been prepared to cut her some slack, maybe ease off a bit with my set party, but then she had to go and do it.  She had to go and appear on my favourite TV show Glee. 
Now I love my Glee.  I love my Glee like an alcoholic loves that last dribble of juice at the bottom of the bottle.  I must have it, I must watch it, I must sing along and I must torture my poor husband with all Glee songs on repeat on my iPod all the time.
So imagine how I felt when the woman who I have long considered my arch enemy shows up on my show.  And not only does she show up – but she sings! 
And the thing that really burns me, that absolutely boils my blood is – that she was good.  Really good and I liked it.  I like it a whole lot.
Like the conniving, talented shrew that she is, she has completely made me like her!  How could I not when I keep playing that damn “Forget You” song AND prefer her version to the original.  This grieves me considerably.  My world has spun on its axis and I am left wandering around in a daze.  This cannot be.  I hate Gwyneth.  I do.  I really do. 
For years now my favourite Gwyneth movie has ben Se7en.  For all who have seen it – you will know why.  No spoilers here.  And now because of a few Glee episodes I have to rethink everything I once held to be certain and sure. 
Even watching her with her perfect, translucent skin, golden tresses, charming smile and perfect English accent in <insert any English movie she has appeared in> I just can’t dredge up the loathing I once felt. 
So now what do I do?  My animosity for Gwyneth has been my constant companion for years now and I feel rather empty without it.   Even now I am trying to think of something that annoys me about her and ..nothing. 
She was Brad Pitt’s girlfriend – Very Cool. 
She married Coldplay’s Chris Martin – Even Cooler. 
She plays a country singer in her latest movie Country Strong (and I love country music) – Freezing. 
That she can drop the “C” word on a talk show and still look like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth well – ICE AGE COOL!
So there is nothing more I can do now but bow to the almighty Gwyneth and make her an honorary Purple Chickie.  Bestowing my purpleness on anyone is a big deal.  Not just anyone gets the Mantle of Mauve. 
So bravo to you Gwyneth for proving me wrong.
 I officially remove my set.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Cadbury Wishes

Yay I finlly made it!

I could no longer resist the call of the blogosphere and it seems like destiny that my first foray into this strange universe should come at the end of Easter.  I sit here surrounded by the remnants of several purple Cadbury chocolate Easter egg wrappers and realise that purple isn't just a color for me but a lifestyle.  I love chocolate but I love Cadbury the best and whether its the actual chocolate or the draw of those lovely purple wrappers I cannot say. 

I dare you to resist the temptation!

I'm a fairly conservative person until it comes to my purple.  I am seriously considering an ultra violet streak in my hair.  For some reason it feels like something I have to do.  I have a clip in swatch of this vibrant color and can't wait to get the real thing, even though the thought of bleaching out the color anywhere in my hair fills me with horror, the need to have that over the top, luscious color falling from my scalp is just too enticing.  Still, if it turns out a nightmare at least I have my purple, glittery beret to wear as cover up. 

I live The Purple.  My house is a potpourri of lilacs, purples, raspberries, fuschias and complimentary colours.   My husband indulges me, albeit reluctantly.  Sadly he is color blind, but he doesn't need to see The Purple to know it's there, so he retreats to his man cave and pretends our house is a calm haven of neutrals.

My office at work is a pleasure to return to each morning. Purple scarves, silver mirror ball icicles hanging from my door frame, purple co-ordinated stationary, its my perfect work environment.  I'm a big believer in color affecting your mood and my office palette is the perfict blend of practical and aesthetic which helps stimulate and motivate me every day. 

Needless to say I try and incorporate as much purple into my fashion and accessories as possible without looking like a bedazzled eggplant. Sometimes it's a losing battle, but with a smile and a cheery attitude most people can over look the overkill.

I know I am not alone in my love of The Purple.  Only the other day a friend told me there had been a "purple girl" at several jobs she had been in.  So we are everywhere and it makes me happy to know that we are out there, making an office less drab, an outfit a little less ordinary and hopefully bringing some colour to a life a little grey.  So sit back, have some Grape Fanta in your favourite purple glass and unwrap that last Cadbury egg. 

You know you want to.